//...Magician Mojo



Midnight Order is still going you guys and you best not miss out on items like these. The Boots by Wicca's Original's are amazing!. And they are for guys too, which I am so stoked about. This gorgeous stained glass creation is by Schadenfreude and it also comes in a table version!. All windows emit a cool projected version onto the nearest surface. The stunningly detailed chain-mail bracers by Static are something else and they are a very handsome addition. Nuuna bought out two tattoo's, and this is one called The Caro. Love how neat it is. The lengthy, lucious locks are by Ginko and is unisex. Lastly, this really neat flask is gorgeous with its high materials and worn details. It also comes with an inbuilt animation which looks like you are casting spells, that is by Mizu. All these things are available at Midnight Order right now!.

Teleport to Midnight Order





Schadenfreude - Zadkiel Stained Glass window ( Midnight Order july-august '22)

mizu - Alchemist Folly flask ( Midnight order july-august '22)




Hair: Ginko Hair - #84 hair ( Midnight Order july-august '22)

Tattoo: +Nuuna+ - The CARO ( Midnight Order july-august '22)



Static - Order Gauntlets ( Midnight Order july-august '22)



Cubic Cherry - Mitron Corset.

alaskametro - Lyra BOM leggings.

Wicca's Originals - Liuva Boot's. ( Midnight Order july-august '22)


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