//...Shut-up and lick my boot


Engine Room has only a few days left before closing on the 20th, so get yer skates on down their to knab amazing attire, like this Seventies trenchcoat by Hotdog, Its hot asf. Comes in many options. Then check this original leg guards by AERTH.  How neat!. And has many options for each part. The horns and eyes are by Petrichor; please see the close up below for more detail. The glasses are by AIR and come in several metal colors - the intricate detail can be seen below. In the backdrop we have LINKRAVE's modern monitor screens which come in flicking and non flicking. And in shot we have a few items from KMGM's Aquarium collection of furniture. Cute styled and coming in several metallic types!.

Teleport to Engine Room



 LINKRAVE - Display Screen Cluster ( Enigne Room march-april '22)

           KMGM - SP Aquarium set ( Engine Room March-april '22)



Hair:  Tableau Vivant - Justin Hair with Raven Bell bangs.

Horns & Eyes: Petrichor - Karnavoss Horns & Relin Eyes. (Engine Room march-april '22)



RAWR - Helix earrings for EvoX 

AIR - Unnr Glasses ( Engine Room march-april '22)

The Deadboy - Killer Gloves

AERTH - Aetherite Knight Legging ( Engine Room march-april '22)



Hotdog - Seventies Trenchcoat ( Engine Room march-april '22)

Salem - Ethel Corset

Toksik - Leather Leggings of Serenade jacket outfit. 

Toksik - Chained Boots.


Close up of those cool petrichor eyes and horns!. Plus the intricate glasses by AIR, so nice.


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