//...Sans Merci


Rough and ready!. I've been a rather violent mood recently - things irl are pretty crap for me right now, so I'm going all grrr in SL. We got a few things to complete this manic look. Firstly is the body bandages soaked in blood, from L'emporio&PL, they complete the Lucator set which the wrist and arm bandages are from that I am wearing. The body bandages will be at The Men and Women jail event today (10th Sept). We have this cool spiked bat from RAWR which you can get at the mainstore, and this fabulous eyepatch from Cubic Cherry which is at TMD this round. 

Teleport to Men & Women jail

Teleport to RAWR mainstore

Teleport to TMD



 Paleto - The PACT


RAWR The Attitude Adjuster bat



Hair: Dura - U107 ( TMD sept '20)

Ears: CerberusXing - Sceleratis Ears

Horns: TRIGGERED - Horns// The Crow Gatcha ( Cyber Fair sept'20)

Tattoo: DAPPA - Budai tattoo ( TMD sept'20)

Blood: Izzie's - Blood and Wounds light

  Antielle Appetizer / Bites & Blood (Hard)



The White Crow - Mini Septum Gift.

The White Crow - Not a Saint necklace.

Artifical Hallucination - Gate  bento Piercing ( Warehouse Sale event )

L'emporio&PL - Hikaru rings.

L'Emporio&PL - Lucator bandages// Stomach & Arms.

Cubic Cherry - Pious eyepatch ( TMD sept ' 20)

Cureless & Headache - Barbed Wire mask ( Old item )



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