//...Hunter of the Homo Sapien

Flair for Event's CyberPunk fair is open and there are TONS of cyberpunk goodies on offer. Let me tell you, the quality in this round is just phenomenal. Get yourself goodies like this a-maz-ing tattoo from Nefekalum, the materials are so sexy. The jawbone by Cubic Cherry and the Wired Ghost face set by Antinatural are beautifully textured. Im in awe at the talent anyway in Second Life but this event has got it all going on.



  The Bearded Guy - Death Corridor ( Cyberpunk Fair may'20. )


 Reliquary - Enemy Scattergun ( Engine Room april-may'20)


 Quantum Poses - Cyber Army 4 ( CyberPunk Fair may'20)
          w/ Cyber Army Gun.



Hair:  Raven Bell - Jay Hair.

Ears: Haro - Pointy Ears

Scars: VALKYR - The Evil Scar & TWC - Need Therapy.

Horns: HILTED - Cinder Horns.

Make-up: Psycho Byts - Madness Exorcism.

Tattoo: Nefekalum - Reinforced ( CyberPunk Fair may'20)

Legs: AZOURY - Conception Legs & Contraption - Sterling's Leg C.


Jewelery & Accessories:

Razor - ex Machina Robot Arm & harness ( CyberPunk Fair may '20)

Cubic Cherry - Moren jawbone ( CyberPunk Fair may '20)

Antinatural - Wired Ghost Cables/ Eyepatch/ Noseband ( CyberPunk may '20)

Butanik83 - Brain Sense Amplifier TENKEI ( CyberPunk may '20)

unstable - Inmate Collar.


Cubura - Cyber Jocks.



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