//...Call of Chivalry

Hey guys.
  So I have been stupidly busy lately as you know, and as you may also be aware, Fantasy Faire is on the go right now. This is my first time blogging for such a MASSIVE event and I can honestly say the people and contributors that put this amazing array of sims and events together are just phenomal. They are all so amazing, and all the money raised goes to Relay for Life so its doubly freakin' cool. Please, please go visit the hard work creators and organizers alike have acheived this year, there are some AMAZING items and sims. 

This picture was taken at the Queensgarden sim, which is sponsored by NeoVictoria Project and its possibly my fav as I am a massive fan of forestry and old european ruins. I had this vision of a herald centaur knight with his trusty wolfen companion, charging through the land bringing justice to the poor and unfortunate!. Sort of like a fantastical Robin Hood.

Just a few items from FF here are; the JINX centaur body with an exclusive skin, and the magnificant antlers. We have the Boen halo from Plastik, and this absolutely fabulous animesh Grey Wolf companion by CKit Falconry. I have creatures from this store already and I have always enjoyed their quality. There are just tons of items and far too much to blog, but PLEASE have a visit and a look around for yourselves!.





Hair:  Raven Bell - Ethiel Hair

Ears: Haro - Pointy Ears

Make-up: VYC - Smoky Eyeshadow intense.

Scratches: Clemmm - Scratched Blush. ( No longer available)

Tattoo: Clemmm - Underworld Unkin Markings. ( No longer available).

Claws: Conviction - The Claws V.2

Centaur AV: Jinx - CenLighTaur ( Fantasy Faire 2020 - Heliodor Sim)

Horns: Jinx - Cervine Antlers/ fine ( Fantasy Faire 2020)

Horns x2: TRIGGERED - Little horns ( PRTCTR gatcha)


Jewelery & Accessories:

Artifical Hallucination - Bento Piercings wry & Casual Goth.

Conviction - The Claws V.2

CerberusXing - Kishin Bindi

CerberusXing - Locke Septum

CerberusXing - Tyrant's Chain ( Fameshed event May '20)

Plastik - Boen Halo ( Fantasy Faire 2020 - Sirens Lore sim).

Lux Aeterna/ Sempiternal - Chaos Equitis/ Heraldic Flag II & Soldier's Lance. ( We <3 Roleplay ).

Cinnamon - Medieval Cape for jinx avatar.

CKit Falconry - Grey Wolf Animesh companion. ( N: I am unsure what Sim this store is on, but will update ASAP )( Fantasy Faire 2020)



Reliquary - Steadfast Armor. 


(Close up coming soon )


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