///...Kiss Me


Henlo. Just a quick edit and blog here to show off some RAWR jewellery!. The necklace actually has a deeper meaning for me, the norse symbols match a tattoo I have on my arm irl. It is a real symbol called Vegvisr and it is supposed to help and guide the bearer through rough weather. Now, that applied to sailing and such back then, but this day and age it is taken in a more metaphorical sense, which is why I had it tattoo'd on myself. It is possibly my favourite necklace to date that Rawr have done. I love it. And its rigged to legacy and jake so it fits perfect. Next are the Umbra Elf earrings which are rigged to Lelutka male ears. You can get female versions too of course. This set has a nice amount of loops and curls and of course you can hide and show several parts of the peircing and change the color too. You can find both these quality items at the Rawr mainstore.


Teleport to the RAWR Mainstore



Hair: WINGS - ES0405 ( TMD April '23)

Face tattoo: KNIFU - Lovesick Tattoo

 Eye Sparkles: CREATICA - Electroshock Ryu Eye Aura



RAWR - Umbra Elf Earrings.

 RAWR - Vegvisr Male Necklace

Raven Array - Old Bolt Septum

TeaBunny - Lunar Bindi



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