

Hey guys, a quick blog post here. I will be very busy these next few weeks with L'Homme adverts and also rl stuff so I do apologize to sponsors and viewers alike for lack of posting. I want to speak about these two cool tattoos from Nefekalum - the face incl horns are at Warehouse Event currently and are very neat - the horns are lovely. The Body one has a sweet pattern ( although I couldnt get the materials to work on it for some reason! D:) Other items from CerberusXing, the crown which is very greek like!. And this wonderful halo by Artemisia which as rotating options, beautiful!. 

Teleport to Warehouse Sale

Teleport to Nefekalum

Teleport to CerberusXing

Teleport to Artemisia



Anxiety - quebec hall


Artemisia - Caelestiacies Halo



Hair: Vango - Issac

Face Tattoo & Horns: Nefeklaum - Forged (Warehouse Sale Event sept - oct '21)

Tattoo: Nefekalum - Primary

Eyes: Aii - Radioactive Eyes ( Mesh )



CerberusXing - Krono's Crown

RAWR! - Tatum Elf Earrings EvoX



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