My last Cyber fair post! But you still got a few days to grab items. Like this cool bat and halo set by Azaran, each thing has animated textures inside that move. This backdrop with props by InZoxi, each item is detailed and has cool mats. Then we have the chair which is by NK, very highly detailed and has a vizor that goes with it ( not shown ). Look at this cute asf tablet by Lolla. Comes in several colors with the HUD and different text to chose from. Plus several bento holds. Lastly from Cyber Fair is this eyepatch my Mae Tenebra. This comes with several designs too and also a tattoo layer ( not shown ). Elsewhere on the grid felle'a can grab this cool outfit by Gabriel, comes with sweatpants, t-shirt and over shoulder shirt - you can wear each individually so it makes for good outfit customization. Thats at TMD this round.
Inzoxi - CC2 Sanctum. ( Cyber Fair sept '21)
NK - Matsumoto Netrunner Chair MK2 ( Cyber Fair sept '21)
Lolla - CyberTablet M1718 (Cyber Fair sept '21)
Hair: Dura - U114
Tattoo: Vegas Tattoo - Game Over ( Cyber Fair sept '21)
( Face tattoo not for sale ).
AZARAN - Halo Random Cosmos & Hasta La Vista Cyberbat. ( Cyber Fair sept '21)
RAWR! - Beliar's Talons
Mae Tenebra - Mutation eyepatch ( Cyber Fair sept '21)
Gabriel - Shoulder off jacket & Layered sweatpants_Arrow ( TMD sept '21)
AsteroidBox - Obsidian Boots
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