//...Lord Calcifer
I love Howl's Moving Castle, and I thought it would be fun to do a quick humanization of him as a proper fire demon. xD. Plus it means i get to show off this AMAZING all body tattoo by Cubic Cherry. It comes in various of colors, and is available at the Fantasy Faire!. Also at the Faire this year, you can grab this amazing trinket by Static - it twirls around and has neat particle effects, and you can sheath it against your back like a weapon. Neat. Also, see the shiny embers?. They are by Static too, and they move up your body, you can get them from Chronicles and Legends event. Check it out!
Teleport to Fantasy Faire - Valhalla Sim
Teleport to Chronicles and Legends
Anxiety - Dragonlords Throne Hall
Static - Fae Embers ( Chronicles & Legends event )
Hair: Volthair - Kei Hair
Ears: Andore - Mesh Ears Berkana
Body tattoo/markings: Cubic Cherry - Ymir's touch tatttoo ( Fantasy Faire 2021)
Wings: JOMO - Part of Dragon avatar V1.
Tail: BentBox - bento tail.
Imp Feet: aii - Impious Legs
Body spines: aii - Body Thorns.
Horns: RAWR - Horny Horns.
Static - Voidsent Astrolobe (Fantasy Faire 2021)
ROZOREGALIA - Narusaza Rings ( The Man Cave event april '21)
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