//...Reign of the Iron
Engine Room is under way guys, and let me tell you I -LOVE- this event so much. Steampunk is my fav genre and if you love it too, you are going to have to HAVE this amazing Gabriel Suit. All of what you see asides the cane, comes in this set. The hat, the eyepatch, the belts and weapons...all of it. Truly stunning work. And probably my favourite ever Gabriel item. Badwolf made the cane, and the details on it are astounding x.x. The eyes are by A.D.D Andel ( Please see close up below for better view of the eyes and the cane ) and are neat and colourful. More to come!.
Mieville Twain - Victorian Steampunk Sim.
Hair: Raven Bell - Hellion Hair
Ears: Haro - Pointy Ears A1
Eye: A.D.D Andel! - Forge Eyes Red. (Engine Room March '21)
Claws: L'emporio - Damned Claws & Rings.
Tattoo: TF- Engima.
BadWolf - Steamskull Cane ( Engine Room March '21)
Gabriel - ST Pirates Set FULL. ( Engine Room march '21)
(Close up of that amazing cane detail and the eyes by A.D.D Andel!. And better look at the mesh mastery of the ruffles on the shirt and the details of the eyepatch. Amazing.)
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