
Hey guys!. Sorry for the lack of posting recently, My RL is beating the shit outta me and im finding it hard to catch up. BUT. I had time to finish another Aenigma event post. Ive been really happy with this new event, because its right up my alley with the darkness. So here are a few other items from some amazing designers. Aenigma finishes on the 15th of March so get yer skates on and get there!.



 Paparazzi - Abandoned Staircase


 Fawny - Stolen by Tentacles.
           Half Deer - Tenacles.


Hair: Tableau Vivant - Dagon Hair.

Horns: TWC - Evillish Group gift.

Horns ( Pierced ): Triggered - My Little horns.

Side Horns: Cinphul - Parasite Wretched Antlers. ( Aenigma feb '20)

Eyes: Unstable - Toxic Creature Eyes.

Make-up: TWC & Maru Kado - Always Mine.( Aenigma feb '20)

Tattoo: TWC & Maru Kado - Always mine.( Aenigma feb '20)

Ears: Random Matter - Serrated Ears.

Tongue: HUMAN GLITCH - KRVMPS TONGUE Chain black. ( Aenigma feb '20)

Teeth: Raven Bell - Shark Teeth


Jewelery & Accessories:

Astara - Darkness Bindi

TWC - Proud Septum.

Cinphul - Parasite Wrath spawn chest. ( Aenigma feb '20)

VISUALPHA - Entity Choker Filth. Tainted Love gatcha.  (Aenigma feb '20)

TWC & Maru Kado - Always mine animesh arms. ( Aenigma feb '20)


(Close up of Human glitch's KRVMPS tongue and the horns/spines from Cinphul @ Aenigma)


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