//...Monsieur Noël

 Ahh, I love Christmas. I love BDSM. So why not put em together?. xD. Also I was happy to be one of five winners to get this lovely hair from WINGS. Can I just mention this CUTE ASF christmas tree with random ornaments on it by HILTED?. They range from pizza to a Llama and are so darn cute, the gatcha is 40L per play and is at Shiny Shabby.


Location: Home

Backdrop: Minimal - Suite Room N9



 HILTED - Various decorations & Bow Tree ( Shiny Shabby.)

HILTED - Robo Gift Tall Red & Cube Gold. (We <3 Roleplay)

Swallow - Christmas Tree (Red)


Ears: Random Matter - Junee elfie Ears

Hair: WINGS - ON0512 ( Equal 10 dec. '19 )

Claws: Conviction - The Claws V.2.

Horns: Antinatural - Gilded Horns ( Lost Saints Gatcha)

Tattoo/ Scratches: TWC - Bad Dog.

Tail:  aii - Daemonium Tail.

Eyes: AviGlam - Fire (Devillish Gatcha - Catwa)


Jewelery & Accessories:

Astara - Mr. Gingy Huggable (Advent Calender gift )

Plastik - OmnomChristmastree stick. ( Old item)

TeaBunny - Winter Mug/ Daddy gatcha ( TMD dec '19)

L'Emporio & PL - Cult Rings Set ( MoM Nov '19)

Arise - Cuso Septum

TWC - November Tears red L. 

TWC - Thirst cross bridge.

SU - Peircing Set 05



4bidden - Heavenly Harness.

S.W - Jock strap 


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