//...Be Damned.

Gorey glory. I -love- this jacket so much. Its currently at the Banished event and its a collab between CerberusXing and Hotdog.

Location: My Home


Seven emporium  - Sin Cross ULTRA RARE.

Inner Demons - Morgue Sign Neon.

Casa Diabolica - Neon Satan sign.

Antinatural - Joyful Sign ( Carnival freaks gatcha)


Ears: Andore - Berkana (Darkstyle Fair oct'19)

Horns: Aii - Pearlescent Devil horns.

Claws: CerberusXing - Conjuration Set.

Eyes: Izzies - Demon eyes (Salem oct '19)

Jewelery & Accessories:

The White Crow - Thirst tears.

Suidical Unborn  - Piercing set 05.

Cult - Bones Septum.

Cult - Shane Rings.

CerberusXing - Peeper Earring ( The seasons story)

CerberusXing - Kishin Bindi ( Panic of the Pumpkin Okinawa event)

The White Crow - Death Supply blood.


CerberusXing & Hotdog - Visceral View. (Banished event '19


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